Friday, January 8, 2016

I'm going to Japan!

A temple located in Tokyo, Japan. Photo curtsy of

I'm going to Japan! And I can hardly hold it in I'm so excited. I'm going during February break, I'll be there for a total of 10 days. I'm going with my sister, my friend Danny and Danny's dad who is also a Karate coach at my dojo. Danny's dad is the one who organized the whole trip and invited my sister and I to go. It's actually a surprise for him, so don't tell. 

I've only been out of the country three times, twice to Mexico and once to Costa Rica. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the flight. I hate flying, honestly if I could go the rest of my life without ever stepping onto a plane, I would. The annoying whiney kids, the crowded aisles, crappy food, uncomfortable seats it's all a pain. But that's a problem because I love to travel and see new places. The flight from here to Tokyo is about 14 hours... Yay. But it'll be worth it. In my previous blog I talked about a woman named Sakura Kokumai, the 1st place Kata Champion in the World. She's a local in Japan so she'll be able to show us around, show us the best restaurants, and get away from other tourists. Not to mention I'm getting the opportunity to train with her. 

As many of you may know, Karate originated in Japan. I can't wait to see how other people train and see new styles. One thing I know for sure is that they are much more intense than they are here in the US. I'm afraid that I'll sneeze during training and get my head cut off with a samurai sword. I'm totally kidding... I mean I hope I'm kidding. 

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