Japan was amazing! It is so different there, but still in many ways the same. Here are some of the things that I noticed while I was there. So first of all everyone is very friendly. Everywhere we went people would help us with directions and smile at us. And waving! Everyone waves it's the greatest thing. One time we tried to play the wave game (you wave at people and get a point if they wave back but loose a point if they don't). But it was pointless since everyone waved back.
Sushi Bar in Japan |
Also, the food there is amazing, my favorite was the ramen noodles. One night we went to a very traditional Japanese restaurant, they served us baby squid, bamboo, raw salmon, and neon pink rice cakes. It was... interesting. Another place we went that was very unique was the sushi bar. You go and sit down at the bar and sushi plates go by you on a moving conveyor belt. When you see something that looks tasty you simply grab it. The price is determined by the color of the plate it's on. After you've had your fill a waitress comes to your table and counts up your plates. It was way different from anything I've seen in the states.
It's amazing how many people live there, 127.3 million to be exact. Everywhere you go there's people. Another thing I found really cool is the buildings. In the city everything is really compact and tall. The department stores have multiple floors with different products on each level. Level one is make up, level two shoes, level three dresses and so on. Many of the stores we went to were structured like this.
Umbrella holder |
So Japan is amazing and I hope that if you ever get the opportunity to go there you will because it is probably the coolest place I have ever been.